Bullying Prevention Videos For Elementary Students

October is National Bullying Prevention Month! This is a great time to focus your counseling lessons on helping your students identify bullying, stand up for themselves and others, and spread kindness. These 10 videos are sure to make your bullying prevention lessons more engaging and will allow your students to further understand this important topic.

Bullying Prevention Videos For Elementary Students

Bullying Prevention Videos For

Grades K-2

Sesame Street: Don’t Be A Bully

This cute video from Sesame Street will help your little learners better identify bullying behavior as they are reminded not to be a bully!

Bullying Videos For Kids: Did I Do The Right Thing?

In this video, Franky asks for advice on how he should have reacted when he saw someone being bullied. His teacher is able to give him practical advice, and address some of the concerns Franky has about telling the other kids to stop.

Kids Talk About Bullying

This informative video helps kids understand the real definition of bullying as well as the different types of bullying. This is a great way to help your students learn to identify bullying!

Captain McFinn: Help Kids Learn How To Stop Bullying

The Coral Cuties are the coolest fish at the school, and everyone wants to be their friend. Gretta gets an invitation to play with them at recess, but it just ends with the Coral Cuties being mean. Gretta ends up learning that the best friends are those who are kind, and even the Coral Cuties begin to embrace Gretta’s differences! This is a great way to talk about relational aggression with younger students.

The Ned Show: Be An Upstander - Prevent Bullying

This video explains what bullying is, as well as the difference between an upstander and a bystander. Students will learn 4 important strategies to stand up to bullying!


Bullying Prevention Videos For

Grades 3-5

Brooks Gibbs: How To Stop A Bully

In this video, Brooks Gibbs explains bullying as an imbalance of power. He explains practical ways that students can respond to bullying that will take away the power of the person doing the bullying.

Bullying: You Are Not Alone

This video helps students to understand more clearly what bullying is, and what they can do to stand up for themselves and others. Your students will relate to the real-world scenarios shown in this impactful video!

Cyber Bullying: Create No Hate

This powerful video reminds students that cyberbullying is harmful and has serious effects. They will learn to “stop, block & tell” when they see or experience cyberbullying.

“What About Us” Anti Bullying Video

This video shows the impact of bullying and how a little kindness can make a big difference.

Protect Yourself Rules: Bullying

Use this video to help your students understand the seriousness of bullying, how to identify it, and what they can do to stand up for themselves and others.

These 10 powerful videos are a great addition to your bullying lessons this October. If you are looking for engaging bullying prevention activities to go with these videos, click the black box below!


Want more videos? Check these out:


How To Actually Take Care Of Yourself During The School Day


How To Connect With Parents As A School Counselor