Mindfulness Videos For Elementary School

Mindfulness, the practice of focusing your thoughts on the present moment without judgement, has many benefits. It can help kids feel more calm and focused and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Use these mindfulness videos for elementary school to help students learn more about what mindfulness is, why it’s important, and how they can practice it. They are a simple and engaging addition to any of your mindfulness lessons!

Mindfulness Videos For Elementary School

Mindfulness Videos For Grades K-2

Kids Explain Mindfulness

Kids will learn about what mindfulness is by none other than… kids! In this video, kids explain what mindfulness is, why it’s important and how they can practice it. This is a great way to help your students understand how to practice mindfulness in a simple way.

Mindfulness For Kids: What Does Being Present Mean?

What does being present really mean? This video explains different ways that students can be present and notice the world around them. It’s a great way to help students consider practical examples of mindfulness.

“Calm Body, Calm Mind” Mindfulness Song from Netflix Jr.

Students will love this fun mindfulness song from their favorite Netflix Jr. characters! They will will learn to calm their minds and bodies when they are experiencing strong emotions.

"Just Breathe" by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman

This video is a great reminder of the power of deep breathing. Kids will see how breathing can be a great way to cope with feelings of anger or frustration.

Sesame Street: Common and Colbie Caillat - "Belly Breathe" with Elmo

Common and Colbie Caillait team up with Elmo to show kids the importance of deep breathing. The song in this video explains that we can calm our inner monsters by belly breathing. Young students will love to sing along as they learn about this important mindfulness strategy.


Mindfulness Videos For Grades 3-5

Mindfulness And The Brain For Children

Students will learn about their brains and what the parts of the brain do. The video includes great analogies and examples that will be easy for students to remember as they learn about mindfulness and the brain.

The Mindfulness Toolkit: What Is Mindfulness?

In this video, students will see how the amygdala can cause us to feel worried, mad or upset. They will then learn about different ways that they can retrain their brains, like deep breathing. Then, real students share examples of how mindfulness has helped them.

AboutKidsHealth: Everyday Mindfulness

This video explains what mindfulness is and why it is helpful. It’s a great way to remind students that mindfulness isn’t just meditation. Instead, it defines mindfulness as doing things on purpose, with friendliness. Students will even learn simple, practical ways they can use mindfulness in their everyday lives.

Cosmic Kids Yoga - Be The Pond

In this classic guided meditation, students will practice noticing their feelings in a non-judgmental way. This is a great exercise to help students better understand what mindfulness is as they do their best to just “be the pond.”

Mind In A Jar

Students will learn that their thoughts and feelings are like pieces of sand in a jar of water. When they are feeling upset or worried, it is hard to see things clearly. By taking deep breaths the pieces of sand begin to calm down and settle. This is a great video to help kids understand mindfulness in a visual way.

These 10 mindfulness videos for elementary school are sure to help your students understand what mindfulness is, and how it can help them. The videos will also give them different strategies they can use when they are feeling upset or unfocused. They will be the perfect addition to your mindfulness lessons.


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